

All telematics connectors share some similar electrical and mechanical characteristics. These connectors interface with the vehicle through its onboard diagnostics (OBDII) port or a CAN-BUS port. Modern telematics systems will include a cellular modem, although some newer telematics systems include Bluetooth and WiFi to enable data access through a smartphone app or WLAN.

Companies are using these systems to quickly gather and transmit vehicle data to a centralized repository, where it can be used for tasks like predictive maintenance and driver safety analysis. Although normally discussed in terms of automotive or freight, some telematics systems are also deployed in aircraft.

Inside a telematics system, there will be a PCB with multiple connectors to provide data and power connections to the internal systems within a vehicle. Connectors may be board mounted or chassis mounted and will connect to the PCB with a short cable. The connectors form an interface with the external environment, so rugged telematics connectors may be needed if environmental exposure poses a danger to system operation.

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